How to Write the Discussion Chapter of a Dissertation: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Purpose of the Discussion Chapter

The discussion chapter is an integral part of a dissertation. It is where you analyze and interpret the results of your research, and make connections to the literature you reviewed in your literature review chapter. The purpose of the discussion chapter is to answer your research questions, to demonstrate how your research contributes to the existing body of knowledge, and to provide insights for future research.

Structuring Your Discussion Chapter

The structure of your discussion chapter will depend on the nature of your research, but generally, it should follow a logical sequence.

Restate Your Research Questions and Hypotheses

Begin your discussion chapter by restating your research questions and hypotheses. This will help remind your readers of the purpose of your study.

Summarize Your Findings

In this section, you should summarize your research findings. Start with the most important findings and then move on to the less significant ones. Be sure to include any unexpected or contradictory results.

Interpret Your Findings

In this section, you should interpret your findings and explain their significance. This is where you should make connections to the literature you reviewed in your literature review chapter.

Discuss the Implications of Your Findings

In this section, you should discuss the implications of your findings. What do your findings mean for the field? How do they contribute to the existing body of knowledge? What are the practical implications of your research?

Provide Suggestions for Future Research

In this section, you should provide suggestions for future research. What are the next steps for research in this area? What are the unanswered questions that your research has raised?


In conclusion, the discussion chapter is an important part of a dissertation because it provides an opportunity for the author to analyze and interpret the findings of their research. This chapter allows the author to connect the research results with the research question and objectives, and to draw conclusions based on the evidence gathered.

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