How to Write a Nursing Dissertation


A nursing dissertation is an important academic project that requires extensive research, critical analysis, and effective communication skills. Writing a nursing dissertation can be challenging, especially for students who are new to the process. In this article, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to write a nursing dissertation.

The process of writing a nursing dissertation can be broken down into several stages, including choosing a topic, conducting a literature review, formulating a hypothesis, setting aims and objectives, collecting and analyzing data, presenting your findings, and formatting your dissertation bibliography. Each stage requires careful planning and attention to detail.

Choosing a Topic and Setting Aims and Objectives

The first step in writing a nursing dissertation is choosing a topic that is relevant to your field of study. You need to select a topic that is of interest to you and that has the potential to contribute to the advancement of nursing practice. Your topic should be narrow enough to allow you to explore it in depth but broad enough to provide scope for original research.

Once you have selected a topic, you need to set aims and objectives that guide your research. The aims and objectives should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. The aims should describe what you want to achieve through your research, while the objectives should outline the steps you will take to achieve your aims.

Writing a Literature Review

A literature review is a critical analysis of existing research on a particular topic. It involves identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the available literature on your chosen topic. A literature review provides the theoretical foundation for your dissertation and demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of the subject.

To write a literature review, you need to start by identifying relevant sources of information. These sources may include books, journal articles, research reports, and online resources. You should then read and evaluate each source in detail, taking notes as you go. You should analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each source and identify any gaps in the literature.

Once you have analyzed the available literature, you need to synthesize the information into a coherent and structured review. Your literature review should provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on your chosen topic and should highlight any gaps or areas for future research.

Formulating a Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a statement that explains the relationship between variables in your research. It is a tentative explanation that guides your research and helps you to test your assumptions. A hypothesis should be clear, concise, testable, and based on the available evidence.

To formulate a hypothesis, you need to start by identifying the variables in your research. Variables are the factors that you are studying, and they can be either independent or dependent. Independent variables are the factors that you are manipulating or changing in your research, while dependent variables are the factors that you are measuring.

Once you have identified the variables, you need to write a clear and concise statement that explains the relationship between them. Your hypothesis should be testable, which means that you should be able to collect data that either supports or refutes it.

Collecting and Analyzing Data

Data collection and analysis are essential components of a nursing dissertation. You need to choose appropriate methods for collecting data, such as surveys, interviews, or observations. Once you have collected the data, you need to analyze it using statistical methods or qualitative techniques.

The choice of data analysis methods depends on the nature of your research question and the type of data you have collected. For quantitative data, you can use statistical methods such as regression analysis, correlation analysis, or t-tests. For qualitative data, you can use techniques such as content analysis, thematic analysis, or grounded theory analysis.

When analyzing your data, you need to ensure that you maintain objectivity and avoid bias. You should also use appropriate software tools to help you organize and analyze your data effectively.

Presenting Your Findings

The presentation of your findings is an important aspect of your nursing dissertation. You need to present your findings in a clear, concise, and logical manner, using appropriate tables, charts, and graphs. Your findings should be supported by the data that you have collected and analyzed.

You also need to interpret your findings in the context of the existing literature and draw conclusions that are consistent with your research aims and objectives. Your conclusions should be based on the evidence you have collected and should not exceed the scope of your research.

A Dissertation Bibliography

A dissertation bibliography is a list of all the sources that you have used in your research. It includes books, journal articles, research reports, and online resources. You should ensure that your dissertation bibliography is accurate and complete, following the guidelines provided by your academic institution.

You need to cite your sources correctly, using the appropriate citation style. Different citation styles have different rules for formatting citations and references, so you need to check the guidelines for the style that you are using.

Nursing Dissertation Examples

To help you understand how to write a nursing dissertation, it can be useful to look at examples of successful dissertations. Nursing dissertation examples can provide insights into the structure, format, and content of a high-quality dissertation.

When looking at nursing dissertation examples, pay attention to the research question, aims and objectives, literature review, methodology, data analysis, and presentation of findings. These are the key components of a nursing dissertation, and understanding how they are integrated can help you to write your own dissertation more effectively.


Writing a nursing dissertation can be a challenging but rewarding experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your dissertation meets academic standards and makes a valuable contribution to the field of nursing. Remember to choose a relevant topic, conduct a thorough literature review, formulate a clear hypothesis, collect and analyze data effectively, and present your findings in a logical and concise manner. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can write a nursing dissertation that demonstrates your knowledge, skills, and passion for nursing.
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